"For the few of you not friended to us both on here (or inworld), I'll let Derren's words speak for themselves (to anwer the barrage of questions I've been getting.....)
"First, I want to thank everyone for my birthday messages. Love you all very much. Second, I want to just say that I'm going to be taking a hiatus from SL. I have a lot of sorting out to do in my RL so SL will have to take a back seat for awhile. Tel and I will still continue to be married and our friendship lives on in our real worlds. Take care everyone and all the best for your friends and family, be them real or virtual. ♥"
I'll still be around, the club is still functioning, and he'll be putting in an appearance on SL when he possibly can. (We still maintain daily contact in our RL's) We love you all, and nothing has changed except his ability to be inworld as much. ♥"
Indeed, the club IS still up and running, though I am not inworld as much as before, either, due to the warming weather, increasing yardwork (trust me, with rheumatoid arthritis, and some other health issues, over half a city block of land to tend is getting more and more time consuming.), and work hours picking back up again (back to working four back to back 10-11 hour shifts), a new owner at work (goodness knows what THAT will entail over the next few months!), I just don't have the time to devote to SL that I used to.
That being said, though, I'm usually still inworld to check messages, reset the sim, and pay tier, and have time to play on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday for a bit. Derren and I are in daily contact still, and other than our "presence" inworld, nothing has really changed. I'll be sending out group notices about dances at the club, etc. Oh, and our one year anniversary (for the wedding! :D) is coming up next month, so expect invites as soon as we can work out a date when we can BOTH get inworld! LOL!
Peace and Love from both of us,
Tel and Derren