Sunday, July 11, 2010

Still alive, barely!

   I hate paint.  More specifically, I hate climbing on ladders to paint.  Last week, I fired the lazy ass contractor that has been working on my house since DECEMBER last year, and decided to finish it all up myself.  He was sloppy (left scraped paint chips everywhere), didn't finish jobs (I had to caulk the entire porch area, because he kept insisting that it was ready to paint.... it wasn't.  I don't want to have to replace the damned thing from rot, after just having it rebuilt from a fire!) , he was lazy (a three hour work day?  must be nice!), and he was inconsistant (um... dood, you need to come work on this more than two or three days a week, mkay?).   I have gotten more done in the past five days, than he did in the last two months.  The day that he crushed and Oxy and snorted it in front of me, then tried to climb the ladder was the LAST straw, as you can well imagine...... So.... let the insurance adjustor and their legal department deal with it.  There is a plus side... it gives me a project, takes my mind off the "what the hell am I gonna do if Congress doesn't eventually pass the unemployment extensions... oh, yeah, sell the house I love" scenarios in my head, and I actually enjoy painting, now that the carpentry work HE was paid to do is done (by me!).  Anyway, I'll be back inworld more next week, as I should have this all done but a little touch up by this evening.  I hope.  My feet and back hope.  Ladders are NOT their friend, trust me.  LOL!!!
     Been spending a LOT of time with RL friends from the past lately, of an evening.  Just here recently, several old (and I DO mean old!  They aged, I didn't... imagine that!   ROFL!!!) High School classmates have found me on Facebook, and have been stopping by the house, some helping a while... some bringing their laptops and we get online together and chat with other friends that aren't to close to here.  One even took me out for ice cream the other day!   (Ice cream kidnappings.... SOOO much different from the way we USED to get random....*sigh*... does that mean I'm growing up, or growing old?  LOL!!!!)  I haven't done anything that random in ages.... we sat and talked for three hours, catching up the better part of the last thirty years..... I didn't realize how much I missed some of these people.  Life is good, for the most part...... now if I can just find a job this next week... at least my frame of mind is better with all of their support!  Love you guys!
      I miss my SL buddies.  I wish I had more time to spend online right now, but gotta get the RL situated first, of course.  Many of you I have contact with through other venues, so that helps, but it's not the same.  I miss seeing the "old familiar places, and old familiar faces".... but soon, my dearies... soon!  *huggleglomps!*

Found this SWEEEEEEEET video the other day..... Love eeeet!   I honestly can't remember what led me to it, but if it was posted on one of the blogs I follow, and I stole yer post, I'm sorry.  I  have been having some problems remembering stuff like that a bit lately, as there is a LOT going on in my mind.....A very well done piece of claymation, and steampunk.... good combo!  Enjoy!

*grumbles, heads back to reality, and climbs that damned ladder for hopefully the final time!*

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