Thursday, September 9, 2010

*sad face*

  Lost another RL friend last night.... still not sure of the exact cause, as I've heard a couple of different stories.  That's five in as many months.  Thank you for the support from those that I've spoken to already.  This was sudden.  A three day hospital stay, then bam.  My inworld time might be kinda spotty for my SL friends, and for my RL ones, I'll be checking in with most of you by phone, or email.  To those that have offered to take care of a couple of inworld things for me, on a professional level, thank you as well.

Love to all,


  1. Tel - I am sorry to hear this and wish you the best. This must be very hard. I can only offer my sincere condolences and wishes you get through this.

  2. Thank you, sweetheart. Friends mean alot all the time, some times more than others. :-)
