Friday, March 4, 2011

Ok, almost finished!

    The rebuild on the sim is probably 80% done or so.   Still working on it every time I get inworld, but, as anyone that's ever done this knows... it's never REALLY finished!  LOL!  Here are just a few shots of the front of the house, now that most of the landscaping is done, and a couple of the wonderful garden that Derren made (his first real build on SL !  Woot!  Proud of ya, babydoll!) for us to enjoy, on the rare times, atm, that we actually get to spend time together inworld.  RL is keeping us on different schedules, atm, but we still get some cuddlehuggles in now and then!  :-)
    After we get it completely done, I'll post more pics of the inside, and we want to invite peeps over (pixel ones, not marshmallow ones!! LOL!) to visit.  Yes, the surfing will be back, too!  Yay!  Wonder how I'll look in the long, Victorian era bathing suit?  *grins*

*Still busy busy busy in both worlds*