Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Dom and Matt! (Updated with pics now)

     Wow.... I am so very happy.  My  dear friends, Omatthias Vidor and Dom Bamatter are celebrating the one year anniversary of their partnering this afternoon.  I think they've actually been together a little over 18 months.  These are two of the kindest, most wonderful friends that anyone could have. 
     They are the kind of friends that a person doesn't need to have daily contact with to know that the love flows bidirectionally at a constant pace.   We go for weeks, sometimes months, with no contact, because they are incredibly busy men.  I think, at last note, they owned 33 or 34 sims, (most of the enormous Gay Archipelago, actually) including the Pure Indulgence, San Francisco (THAT is one hell of a build that Dom commissioned.  Even if you don't "play" there, go see it.  The authenticity is phenomenol!), and  many other interesting gay themed sims.  Even though they have very competent estate managers, I know them..... hands on kinda people. 
     These two have been there for me through some great times, some NASTY breakups, a lot of heartache and joy.  It is with honor and priviledge that I dedicate this post to two gentlemen that I consider to the among the creme de la creme of SL.  L'chaim!

I must admit, I sat and bawled like a 12 yr old girl through the whole damned thing.  The music, Wendell Thor's speech as minister, several of my good friends from the old days there, and of course, their vows, which I kept on a notecard.  The vows were absolutely the most beautiful that I've heard two people express in either world, but so damned private, and intended for just the ones invited, and for themselves, that I won't be sharing them. 
*Happy Happy Joy Joy*

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