Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Funny, ain't it?

     It's really funny, ain't it?  When things are actually going well, you don't write as much about it.  My life has taken a new direction, with the lay off, and I've certainly been through the emotional ringer, both RL and SL, but think that I'm coming out the other side, still but fresher and cleaner in the mindset, anyway. 
     The work on the house if PAINFULLY slow, now, by appearances.  My contractor does emergency work, too, and hasn't been here for two days, because of people that needed new roofs because of tree damage, or one lady that needed her electric fixed after a water leak, etc.  I understand this, but it's down to the "finish work"... i.e. wallboard taping and sanding.... cleaning.... clearing out old junk piles..... cleaning.... painting (inside).... cleaning... oh, did I mention cleaning?  ROFL!  This work, while moving along nicely, moves slowly, as these guys are perfectionists, and my OCD probably is driving them crazy.  HA!!  ("You see that small wrinkle in that mud tape in that dark corner beside the window that no one but ME will EVER notice?"  That's the kind of stuff that I'm talking about.) Now maybe that's being a BIT picky, for someone that's also yelling "HURRRRRRRRY!!!!!!"  at the top of his lungs, but still, they ARE being WELL paid by my insurance company, and need to send part of the crew down daily, I think.  It does not take eight men to change a lightbulb.  *grins*
     On the job front, I'm not in a really big hurry.  It turns out that the insurance money that I will be pocketing by doing the work myself, partly, is almost half a year's pay.  That gives me some freedom to wait, to find the RIGHT job, and not just rush out and work at Wally World, or Mickey D's.  Unless I just get bored, which I don't see happening, not with two rooms of a house to completely redo, and then, since I'm switching my studio and bedroom around...(thank you, Mike F. for the FREE new electrical hookups while you were doing this job anyway!)... I'll have to redo the old studio, to make it look more like a bedroom.... and then I'll have to redo the half bath there to match.... *sigh*   "Why do I do this to myself?"  ROFL!
     On the personal front, things are looking good, and moving right along.  Love is a good thing, whether for family, friends, a partner, what or whom ever.  I highly recommend it to everyone.  *smiles*  It makes you cry sometimes, but the laughter and warmth balance that out many fold.
     As far as SL goes, with Aso taking some RL time for himself, I've gotten bored and lonely, a bit.  I've got good friends, but now have PLENTY of time on  my hands, so I've taken up sim design again.  I've redone two sims for people just since Saturday past, not completely, but both are about 90%.  Kinda proud of that.  Maybe I'll even reopen my business that I used to have doing that, and see if I can make Tel self-supporting again.  I dunno, he's pretty high maintenance!   HAHAHAHAHHA!
     Love you all, and peace out!


(Here's a pic of me, Aso and our buddy Joy just sitting on the porch in SL, while we had one HELLUVA "Collapse" battle going on on Facebook.... lol.... we do that so we can chat, while off in other worlds playing, too.  BTW, I'm WINNING! *for the moment, until Aso figgers out the strategy to it.... he ALWAYS has the highest score in "Bejeweled Quest". We don't even try any more.  Last week, his score was over 400k!  The Asoninator!)

1 comment:

  1. Naturally I heard about the job status change (a little man horse told me.) but I am still thinking of you and hoping you DO find the perfect job.

    Miss you brother. *hugs*
