Friday, January 22, 2010

Today's Ramble...... Alts.

     My friend Corinda recently wrote about the subject of alts on her blog, and that set me to thinking.  All of her points were very valid, and I think need to be reiterated here, and, knowing me, I'll add my own two cents worth. LOL!
     She made mention of the fact that the majority of us do NOT use them maliciously, and that those that do, are toxic in their main personalities as well.  Excellent point.  I am a known Sybil-type personality.  I have three known alts.... Tel, my "main"... Gany, who was created as a "model" originally for my av styling biz, then took on a personality of his own, and Sidd, my female, who was originally an experiment, to see if I could make a good female AV, and a way to hide from people.  She is sexless, although partnered to the female alt of one of my best friends, now absent from SL for over three months, who used his to hide, too, when "she" dj'd.  We did that just to add to the "reality" of their existence.  Cross-gender alts are the main subject of this post.
     I know several people that use cross-gender alts for various reasons.  RP is one.  One of my best buddies on here is actually female, but plays one HELL of a mean pirate dude.  One of them is male, and has a female that he uses for MM boards, just for fun, and to poke a little fun at the guys that are always hitting on EVERY  female that comes along.  "Asshats and Idiots" as he says.  It's all in good fun, and he NEVER, being heterosexual himself, "sleeps" with them.  I have one straight friend on here, who is so bashful that he can't even approach women sexually in SL.  He has a female alt, too.  I'll let you figger the rest of THAT one out on your own.  *grins*  His business, and no one gets hurt.
     As a gay man, I understand the attraction that some feel for heterosexual men, but it is WRONG on SO many levels to pose as a female on SL, just to get laid.  Taking advantage of others is never a good thing, nor is it productive in the long run.   If you can't get any as a man, then look for the reasons for that.  You cannot hide as a female, have sex with the guys, then feel good about yourself.  Just don't see how.  I recently unfriended someone when I found out that they were doing this to people, after a heated discussion.  I take this very personally, because a dear dear friend of mine LEFT SL because his "girlfriend" turned out to be a man posing.  While there are some that, I'm sure, use the female guise on SL as kind of a way of "testing the waters" before a RL transformation, which is all well and good, you really should let people know, if it goes into something resembling a relationship.  My friend would have been fine if he'd known, he says.  The av that he was involved with "felt" female to him.
     Point is, I think, friends, is that some straight people have a hard time wrapping their minds around the whole "gender identity" issue that some gay people deal with.  We've worked SO very hard for the last 40yrs or so to be accepted and understood, at times even welcomed as who and what we are.  This type of behavior, though, can set us back.  WAY back.
     Well, just my personal ramblings while still hurting from losing two friends over this issue.  Sometimes, it just helps to flush the shit into the blog sewer, and let it drift away.

 *Peace and love, y'all*

  (btw, my two unknown alts are for specific reasons.... one is totally undevelopped, and is my "banker" to keep me from too much impulse the other?  A long unused Furry.  Hasn't even been on since probably April, '09.)


  1. Haha, I was going to write about opposite gendered alts and Avs too!! *snerk* but you have an interesting perspective on the whole matter that I don't have. XD Also, I might get my throat slit if I even vaguely listed some examples. o_O Some people are pretty guarded about RL differences, as you know. (but credit to them, it is safer that way. So I totally respect that.)

    "He has a female alt, too. I'll let you figger the rest of THAT one out on your own. *grins* His business, and no one gets hurt."

    Exactly, and I guess what it breaks down to is the same fundamental asshat-ery of those who are not on the level, or use it for manipulative purposes.


  2. when I first came to SL and found out people had alts, I was kinda shocked! hehe. The innocence of it all, huh. Then for a LONGGGGG time I was very suspicious of anyone who ran alts or didn't just keep one main and do EVERYTHING with that one main. As time has passed in SL and I've gotten to understand the usefulness of alts more, and the fact that they are NOT always for dodgy goings on and trickery, I've grown used to the idea and in fact embrace it. Now I even have an alt of my own. I have family who have alts for RP purposes. I have friends who have alts for building purposes. Or alts to just get some privacy. With the inability to sign in as 'appear offline' in SL, thats something we can all be starved of sometimes. My alt, well, he has no real purpose, I've used him in my photography once.. I'm not emotionally attached to him as I am to Spanki who is om every way 'me' inside the virtual space, in one way this makes the alt useful as my feelings are not wrapped up in his experiences, should he have them. I was considering using him for RP, but, hmm, duno. I'm at a crossroads right now. Anyway, nice post. I've never had or do I want a female alt but I don't have no problem with people who do.. SL is all about expressing and exploring yourself. Just, as you say, don't fuck with people or do them wrong. I think it's a valid point thou that people who are mean with their alts are prolly with their mains, your prolly right about that.

  3. I think the sentiment that people have alts for manipulative/deceptive purposes are themselves manipulative and deceptive people is just plain dead on, to the point of being on par with 2+2=4 as to level of obvious.

    Myself, I have a shitload of alts. I know you're all stunned by this fact, lol. I have an alt for holding funds (even named "Piggybank"), I have had alts to explore what it's like to be a different gender, or a different age, or a different species. I've made alts for RP, or for Tiny Empires. I had one alt who started as a "shut up and let me build" alt, who then became a business alt, who before long became a second main. Said alt was built originally to hide out from drama, from one individual in particular. I made an alt to start all over again in SL as someone completely different. Oh kids I got alts (and oh I got a kid alt, heh).

    I've been working on a project over here in the Frontier; a comedy series called "Midnight Setting with Mark Pixel", and in my most recent episode "Mark" jokes about gender identity inworld. Check it out at .
