Saturday, June 12, 2010

Good friends, good times!

     Well, I've settled in nicely in my new domain high above the Tidra sim.  Although I don't RP Gor, and haven't for a LONG time, I do thoroughly enjoy Franzi's new build "down below".  Its' breathtaking, not only in it's beauty, but in the attention to not only local detail, but also to the "style" of the books (which are not my type of SciFi, but I did read them once upon a time.)  He uses cylinders to build, with rarely a square wall in sight, as is often mentioned in the books, unlike most of the Gor sims that I've visited, which use "standard medieval look A or B" if you know what I mean.... timber frame walls, lots of square, flat buildings, etc. 
     All that aside, Franzi and I have spent many an hour building together.  What this translates as is:  He builds, I make suggestions, he does exactly the opposite, and it turns out wonderful!  LOL!!!!!  Actually, we just yack and yack while he's working.  It's nice to have a good friend to talk to while you piddle away the hours on such fun stuff as inventory work, RL stuff, etc.  (While he's being incredibly creative and productive of course... I"m usually off searching YouTube, or playing games on Facebook....LOL!!)
     Anyway, just givin' a shoutout to all the hard work he's been doin' for the sim below, and a thank you for taking me in, and being such a dear!  Lubs ya! (Hell, I lubs the whole "family" of yours that I've met so far... great folks!)
 *Peace, and Friendship*

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