Saturday, October 30, 2010

Meh....( A musical post with a personal meaning....)(disclaimer added)

Broken hearts... broken dreams.....

The show will go on... regardless of the personal sacrifice........ regardless of the pain........ as I cry myself to sleep, I know that the show MUST go on..... without the "show".... life has no meaning, no recompense..... Long Live The Show!!!!  (When TRUE caring is denegrated to a back burner... how much more must we work to make the show go on?  I wonder............ do we all have a breaking point?  Has this been reached?)

Disillusion is a fact.... denial is detrimental.....  

*Meh IS a word*
(Apparently, this post needs a disclaimer, even if I won't offer much of an explaination.  It is dealing with a RL family situation, which is causing some issues for a niece of mine.  This has been misinterpreted by some, and I apologize for being cryptic, but will not give a further explaination in a public format such as this as some that don't openly follow this but read it frequently are RL friends (former classmates, relatives, etc.), and know my family.  This was merely to get some shit out of my own system, not to slam anyone that may follow this blog.)

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