Two thousand and 10. Wow. This past year has kicked my ass seven ways to hell and back..... the fire at the house, RL, last December...ok, technically not 2010 yet, but right at Christmas time... my break up with my SL/RL bf of the time... losing my job, and being unemployed for over 11 months.
On the high side, I had several good months on Tidra with Franzi, who has become my best friend, et al, before it had to close. Coming from that was one of the best things that has happened to me in SL in a long, long time: Derren. We now have our homestead sim. My SL son, Spanki is back in my world again, and that relationship is only stronger because of all that we've been through this year.I am now also employed, albeit not THAT gainfully, IRL, at a job that I actually enjoy, with employers that I genuinely like.
I'm ringing out the old, and bringing in the new with a renewed optimism. Yes, things are still tough. Yes, I think with the Republicans back in control of the House, and with a larger minority in the Senate here in the States, it doesn't bode well for the economy here or abroad, but in general, *my* lives are looking up dramatically from where I was last year at this time.
I'm dating again, RL. After over 11 years, I am seriously dating someone again. Between my RL farmer, and my SL dollbaby, I think this might be the best year I've had in a long time.
*Wishing peace, prosperity and love to all my friends, in all my worlds*
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Back on a homestead!
I gave Derren a homestead for Christmas.... well, I gave "us" a homestead for Christmas! LOL! We have a lovely new home on a WARM tropical island, since we both freeze all the time in RL. My son, Spanki, has joined us there, renting just a few prims on a corner parcel. We're all very happy... LOL! Isn't is amazing? When life is rough, we can go on and on... yet when things are good, I personally find it hard to put the emotions into words. Happy New Year, Everyone!
Latest incarnation of the Kittehs' Kastle sim! Yay!
Just playing with the lighting. This is just the main living area. We also have the party areas set back up, as well as many, many little cuddle and chat niches.
Derren's pvt. little corner. He's such a little hippy! LOL! This is he and Spanki surveying D's kingdom. *grins*
My family.... Spanki, my son, and Derren, my insignificant other.
(Kidding! Love you, Sweetie!! LOL!)
Scary, Squirrelly and Ho... or The Three Stooges of the KK sim! Which is which, varies daily.
Nainai cuddles with muh kid. :-)
Floating on dreams of the future!
*happy dance*
*At Peace, and wishing y'all the same*
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Just my last pics from Tidra.... I can't bring myself to write a lot. It makes me cry.
Not all tears are bad, though.
These past several months have given me a new best friend, and someone to love.
R.I.P., dear Tidra. You have been a good friend, as well.
*Looking forward, not back*
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Someday, perhaps we will relegate religion to it's rightful, personal place in a person's life, and not in the political arena, and we WILL achieve "Peace on Earth". I fear I won't live to see that day, but maybe there's hope for our children. Hate the wars, support the troops at this time when they are far from home.
*Peace, hopefully*
*Peace, hopefully*
Excellent advice!
And for my American friends, that remember the "attempted break in and rape" vids of Antoine.... here's a link from George Lopez' show!
Happy Chri$tma$$!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Support Photos' efforts at A:S:S...
I have always loved his product. I also love his spirit of caring. Simply a wonderful man. Period.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Grrrrr, again.....
Ever since my Windows updated again last evening, I've been having problems staying connected to the internet. I guess I'll do a "restore to" tomorrow, and see what happens. Unfortunately, this meant I crapped out on my baby again last night, so went on to bed, only to be back up at 2:30 am my time. Bleh.
On a brighter side, I have been introduced to Go there. You will laugh until you cry. Trust me on this.
Have a lovely day, and hopefully, more sleep than I'm getting! LOL!
*Peace out*
Oh, just thought I'd share my horriblescoop for today......
"Circumstances of the day may result in some tricky situations for you, Scorpio. You could be caught between a rock and a hard place. The instinct to make war or peace with any given issue is making you restless. On the one hand, you may want to smooth things out in a reasonable manner. On the other, there is a part of you that is eager to declare all-out nuclear warfare."
Um..... doesn't that just mean the holiday season is upon us again? LOL!
On a brighter side, I have been introduced to Go there. You will laugh until you cry. Trust me on this.
Have a lovely day, and hopefully, more sleep than I'm getting! LOL!
*Peace out*
Oh, just thought I'd share my horriblescoop for today......
"Circumstances of the day may result in some tricky situations for you, Scorpio. You could be caught between a rock and a hard place. The instinct to make war or peace with any given issue is making you restless. On the one hand, you may want to smooth things out in a reasonable manner. On the other, there is a part of you that is eager to declare all-out nuclear warfare."
Um..... doesn't that just mean the holiday season is upon us again? LOL!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I have a new fave "pissed at the world" song......
Kinda sums it alllllll up sometimes! LOL!
(Naw, I'm actually in a pretty good mood, just missed two days of work because of fever... grrrr......)
(Naw, I'm actually in a pretty good mood, just missed two days of work because of fever... grrrr......)
Death of a dream.....
As of the first of the year, Tidra will cease to exist. Franzi's dream which had become mine will sink into the ocean one final time. I feel partly responsible for this, though it was unavoidable, because of my RL work schedule. I am unable to be there like I was to greet people, and conduct tours, nor do I have the funds to help any more than my rent with the tier.
Franzi and I talked a bit last night. Due to some problem with his computer, we had to use FB IM's... which is sad in itself. The idea of a pvt homestead sim for him, me, River and Derren was discussed. We'll see. I'm a prim hog, and don't want to cause more dissention in the ranks. *smiles a bit* This is a tough decision for Franziskus, I know only too well. I won't discuss his personal affairs, and that end of it, but I know how hard it was to give up the Kitteh's Kastle sim after all the work I'd put into it. Tidra is 4 times the prims, several times the labor, and many, many times the emotional investment for him.
No matter what happens, or where we all end up, there have been good things come of this, to help mitigate the bad ones that caused it. He has River now. I have Derren. Mine and Franzi's friendship has survived some deep blows over the past few months, and we have come out stronger for that. THAT at least, is not in question. Quite simply, I love him dearly, and he is my best friend. I know that no matter what else goes down in flames, that will survive.
So, if anyone wants a final tour of the sim, or of my estate and his pvt area floating far above, please feel free to IM me inworld, on those rare chances that I can actually get in these days. I'd like to plan a party before the newest incarnation of the Kitteh's Kastle poofs. Go out with a bang, and not with a whimper. After all, for every ending, there is a new beginning, and perhaps the seeds have been sown to make the future much bigger and brighter for all. I know that I have certainly come to terms with things in my own self over the last several months, both good and bad, and moved past them.
I will survive, we ALL will. There will be tears, though, as one of the most beautiful of sims sinks beneath the waves, carrying with it dreams, disappointments, and resentments, leaving behind love and lasting friendships. Hell, they've started already, here.
*Wishing peace to all*
Franzi and I talked a bit last night. Due to some problem with his computer, we had to use FB IM's... which is sad in itself. The idea of a pvt homestead sim for him, me, River and Derren was discussed. We'll see. I'm a prim hog, and don't want to cause more dissention in the ranks. *smiles a bit* This is a tough decision for Franziskus, I know only too well. I won't discuss his personal affairs, and that end of it, but I know how hard it was to give up the Kitteh's Kastle sim after all the work I'd put into it. Tidra is 4 times the prims, several times the labor, and many, many times the emotional investment for him.
No matter what happens, or where we all end up, there have been good things come of this, to help mitigate the bad ones that caused it. He has River now. I have Derren. Mine and Franzi's friendship has survived some deep blows over the past few months, and we have come out stronger for that. THAT at least, is not in question. Quite simply, I love him dearly, and he is my best friend. I know that no matter what else goes down in flames, that will survive.
So, if anyone wants a final tour of the sim, or of my estate and his pvt area floating far above, please feel free to IM me inworld, on those rare chances that I can actually get in these days. I'd like to plan a party before the newest incarnation of the Kitteh's Kastle poofs. Go out with a bang, and not with a whimper. After all, for every ending, there is a new beginning, and perhaps the seeds have been sown to make the future much bigger and brighter for all. I know that I have certainly come to terms with things in my own self over the last several months, both good and bad, and moved past them.
I will survive, we ALL will. There will be tears, though, as one of the most beautiful of sims sinks beneath the waves, carrying with it dreams, disappointments, and resentments, leaving behind love and lasting friendships. Hell, they've started already, here.
*Wishing peace to all*
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Got to spend some time in the Edith Anne Rocker with my baby this morning! Been a long week!
*Smiling on the way to work*
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
You know who you are......
*loves ya*
(I missed you by like five minutes inworld... might be home early this evening... not sure yet!)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I am SO tired. Heh..... 11 1/2 months not working, and then split shifts and ten hour days? Hahaha.... I am very thankful for my job, though, and to work for such great people. Both of the owners are really sweet, one (the female) being an accountant, which MIGHT just mean she's a bit AR at times, but has a fantastic personality. The other one (male) is a real "restaurant" guy like myself, and knows how to work "around" her. LOL! We have a lot of fun at work, in spite of the down times between rushes. This is such a lovely change of pace from my last job, which had gotten onerous to say the least the last few months I was there. An added bonus..... her brother is gay, and the male owner used to be in gymnastics in high school/college, so has been around gay men for years. It's nice to know that the occassional off color comment is meant as fun, and taken just as well from me, in comparison to the pure spite and nastiness that my last boss threw my way.
Last night, I got to spend about half an hour with my baby inworld. That was really nice. I always sleep better after we have our nainai chats and cuddles. I also got to touch base with my bestie, Franzi, for a while before work yesterday morning, and his boy, River, IM'd Derren and me when he logged on, and we were logging off. Got my SL fix in, sorta, but will be glad when Saturday night gets here, and I get to spend more time inworld..... I just hope I don't fall asleep in Derren again! Heh.
*happy face*
Today's Holiday Tune is one of Derren's faves..... I hope he likes this version!
Last night, I got to spend about half an hour with my baby inworld. That was really nice. I always sleep better after we have our nainai chats and cuddles. I also got to touch base with my bestie, Franzi, for a while before work yesterday morning, and his boy, River, IM'd Derren and me when he logged on, and we were logging off. Got my SL fix in, sorta, but will be glad when Saturday night gets here, and I get to spend more time inworld..... I just hope I don't fall asleep in Derren again! Heh.
*happy face*
Today's Holiday Tune is one of Derren's faves..... I hope he likes this version!
I know... I was on a Talu kick this time last year.... she IS from my original neck of the woods, and I just LOVE her.
Gay much? Heehee!
*Off to work....Yay!!!*
Monday, December 6, 2010
Kicking off the Season.........
This second one if for you, Derren. I think you're a pretty damned good Christmas present, sweetie. *smiles*
Love, love, love me some Pomplamoose!
I probably won't be able to update much this week, as there probably won't be a darned thing going on except RL work. Mostly evenings, with two splits this week. I'm gonna miss both my fellas, RL and SL, and of course my son and my bestie, and everyone else this week. *sad face* Hopefully it will all even out after this first full week, with advertising, and we get the kiddies trained. Love y'all, and hope to be back on semi-regular next week!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Just a quick note.....
First an apology to my sweetie.... um..... I kinda sat down in the chair to answer the phone last night, the cat hopped on my lap, and I fell asleep. I'll try to make it up to ya tonight, since I'm off tomorrow, and can take a nap this afternoon. *grins a little sheepishly*
Second, work is physically kickin' my ass! LOL! 11 1/2 months off, and several 8-10 hours back to back shifts.... hahaha..... not quite got my "restaurant legs and back" reinstated completely yet. OMG, I am so sore.... lol. Derren, I think I'll need more than a wing massage this evening, sweetie. :D
OK, time for work.... just wanna share this cute vid.... everyone knows that I'm an atheist, but I still appreciate the great music, secular or religious, of the past. This made me smile, and I hope it does the same for you!
*Have a great day, kiddies!*
Second, work is physically kickin' my ass! LOL! 11 1/2 months off, and several 8-10 hours back to back shifts.... hahaha..... not quite got my "restaurant legs and back" reinstated completely yet. OMG, I am so sore.... lol. Derren, I think I'll need more than a wing massage this evening, sweetie. :D
OK, time for work.... just wanna share this cute vid.... everyone knows that I'm an atheist, but I still appreciate the great music, secular or religious, of the past. This made me smile, and I hope it does the same for you!
*Have a great day, kiddies!*
Thursday, December 2, 2010
*Happy Dances in BOTH Worlds!*
OK, so first the RL news......
The boss lady came in this morning, and with a very stern look on her face, said "Come to the office with me". OK, given the complete and utter random bullshit I had to cope with at my last job, I was like, "Le sigh... wtf did I do NOW?". I follow her into the office, she's sits me down, and tells me I've recieved a promotion and a two dollar an hour raise, after only two training sessions, one pvt luncheon, and one day open to the public. THEN she tells me "I want you to know just exactly how happy Erin (business partner) and I are with you, and that we could not have opened this fucking place so successfully without you here."
Let me tell you, after the crap I put up with the last three months at my last job last year, I damned near burst into tears, and those of you that know me RL, know that's not me. To hear someone say that you are GOOD at your job, after a long time being made to doubt yourself, is one of the best feelings in the world. Having them PROVE it to you financially, and with responsibility, just sweetens the icing on the cake.
OK, the SL news.... this little cartoon that Derren drew kinda sums it all up. Yes, it's official. He is no longer my "not yet a SL bf", but in a GOOD way. :-)
The boss lady came in this morning, and with a very stern look on her face, said "Come to the office with me". OK, given the complete and utter random bullshit I had to cope with at my last job, I was like, "Le sigh... wtf did I do NOW?". I follow her into the office, she's sits me down, and tells me I've recieved a promotion and a two dollar an hour raise, after only two training sessions, one pvt luncheon, and one day open to the public. THEN she tells me "I want you to know just exactly how happy Erin (business partner) and I are with you, and that we could not have opened this fucking place so successfully without you here."
Let me tell you, after the crap I put up with the last three months at my last job last year, I damned near burst into tears, and those of you that know me RL, know that's not me. To hear someone say that you are GOOD at your job, after a long time being made to doubt yourself, is one of the best feelings in the world. Having them PROVE it to you financially, and with responsibility, just sweetens the icing on the cake.
OK, the SL news.... this little cartoon that Derren drew kinda sums it all up. Yes, it's official. He is no longer my "not yet a SL bf", but in a GOOD way. :-)
It also pretty much captures some of our conversations. LOL!
*Just grinnin' in both worlds*
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