Thursday, December 2, 2010

*Happy Dances in BOTH Worlds!*

OK, so first the RL news......
    The boss lady came in this morning, and with a very stern look on her face, said "Come to the office with me".  OK, given the complete and utter random bullshit I had to cope with at my last job, I was like, "Le sigh... wtf did I do NOW?".  I follow her into  the office, she's sits me down, and tells me I've recieved a promotion and a two dollar an hour raise, after only two training sessions, one pvt luncheon, and one day open to the public.  THEN she tells me "I want you to know just exactly how happy Erin (business partner) and I are with you, and that we could not have opened this fucking place so successfully without you here."
    Let me tell you, after the crap I put up with the last three months at my last job last year, I damned near burst into tears, and those of you that know me RL, know that's not me.  To hear someone say that you are GOOD at your job, after a long time being made to doubt yourself, is one of the best feelings in the world.  Having them PROVE it to you financially, and with responsibility, just sweetens the icing on the cake. 

OK, the SL news.... this little cartoon that Derren drew kinda sums it all up.  Yes, it's official.  He is no longer my "not yet a SL bf", but in a GOOD way.  :-)

It also pretty much captures some of our conversations.  LOL!

*Just grinnin' in both worlds*


  1. Wow, that's awesome babes :D Congrats! See, getting that foot in the door paid off!

  2. Yes, indeed, sweetie... no matter WHICH world you were referring to! *hugs*

  3. Ha! Time is was, so here again: Congratz to you twos!!! And sooooo happy about the good news with the RL job too! Yay! kisses and hugs


  4. Thank you so much, sweetie! *huggzes, and kissles!*

  5. Congrats buddy. My boss gives me great kudos sometimes too and it does make you feel better about slaving away on a daily grind! xxx
