Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Death of a dream.....

    As of the first of the year, Tidra will cease to exist.  Franzi's dream which had become mine will sink into the ocean one final time.  I feel partly responsible for this, though it was unavoidable, because of my RL work schedule.  I am unable to be there like I was to greet people, and conduct tours, nor do I have the funds to help any more than my rent with the tier.
    Franzi and I talked a bit last night.  Due to some problem with his computer, we had to use FB IM's... which is sad in itself.  The idea of a pvt homestead sim for him, me, River and Derren was discussed.  We'll see.  I'm a prim hog, and don't want to cause more dissention in the ranks.  *smiles a bit*  This is a tough decision for Franziskus, I know only too well.  I won't discuss his personal affairs, and that end of it, but I know how hard it was to give up the Kitteh's Kastle sim after all the work I'd put into it.  Tidra is 4 times the prims, several times the labor, and many, many times the emotional investment for him. 
   No matter what happens, or where we all end up, there have been good things come of this, to help mitigate the bad ones that caused it.  He has River now.  I have Derren.  Mine and Franzi's friendship has survived some deep blows over the past few months, and we have come out stronger for that.  THAT at least, is not in question.  Quite simply, I love him dearly, and he is my best friend.  I know that no matter what else goes down in flames, that will survive.
   So, if anyone wants a final tour of the sim, or of my estate and his pvt area floating far above, please feel free to IM me inworld, on those rare chances that I can actually get in these days.  I'd like to plan a party before the newest incarnation of the Kitteh's Kastle poofs.  Go out with a bang, and not with a whimper.  After all, for every ending, there is a new beginning, and perhaps the seeds have been sown to make the future much bigger and brighter for all.  I know that I have certainly come to terms with things in my own self over the last several months, both good and bad, and moved past them. 
    I will survive, we ALL will.  There will be tears, though, as one of the most beautiful of sims sinks beneath the waves, carrying with it dreams, disappointments, and resentments, leaving behind love and lasting friendships.  Hell, they've started already, here.

*Wishing peace to all*

1 comment:

  1. It will be sad to see it go. I was only there for a little while but it's a shame to see such a wonderful sim having to go. And as you said at least there is some nice things being left behind.
