Monday, March 29, 2010

Corinda has done it again.

   For all of you doubters, that do not understand us "inworld" people, and for those of you that might be questioning your own sanity/addiction levels...... read this.  Comment on it.  It sums up many thoughts/feelings that I've had, and I think is a perfectly valid base to start an ongoing discussion.  Corinda,  thank you for taking the time to put this into words.  Brava!  (I think this is perhaps one of the most insightful posts on the subject that I've read... and coming from a "lay person", yet one that shares some of my own "disabilities"... perhaps that is why.  DAMN good post!)


On a purely personal note.... my "personal addiction" and use of SL has led to some of the greatest joys, greatest heartaches, and greatest friendships that I've ever had, in ANY world.  As Cor pointed out... there IS a form of isolationism, whether self imposed, or, as in my case, living in the middle of nowhere, with the closest venues for entertainment of a gay sort being an hour away, and being "transportationally challenged", that SL can help with.  There are no gay bars here where I live.  The gay community, while fairly large here, considering the size of our town, consists of partnered couples, "river ho's" that cruise all night long looking for sex, and closet cases.  There ARE no places for us to meet nice single men, who don't have hidden agendas.  I refuse to troll the state park toilets.  I will not drive up and down the river bank, just to get laid.  Being on SL has provided me with a chance to interact with other gay men, in meaningful ways.  Yes, I've had my heart broken, but yes, I HAVE met some of the best friends/family that I've ever known.  Some of you read this blog openly.  Many of you follow it quietly and IM or NC me inworld.  I just want you to know that ALL of you have brightened my life in so many, many ways.  Thank you ALL!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Woot. Thanks for the plug and the compliments, but I was really just speaking from the heart, you know? I've gotten quite good at not letting those people who *would* judge me and my SL too close, just like anything else people would judge me for. If anything I wanted to give a digital hug to my friends and say "don't worry about it!" XD
