Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wonderful birthday......

Just a thank you to all my friends and relations out there who made a sucky RL bday SO much better!  Most of all, to Spanki, Miki, JessieCraig, and my sweet Asoniel... w/o you all, it would have been a complete waste of air and space!  Just a coupla pics of me and my kitteh ..... ty, lover, for the beautiful new outfit, and the kilt that you made for me!

Love you!

You mean the world to me, I hope you know that.  You "calm" the tempest, you still the waters of my soul. I love you, my kitteh/elfling thingy... heehee... seriously, you are the best thing that's happened to me, in many many years.  Thank you for coming along when you did..... and I'm starting a countdown until the New Year's RL party!  *grins*


  1. Aw, glad the day turned out nice Papi, cus you really deserve some happy. Well I kno Aso brings you alot of that, and I'm happy you got to share your special day an he made you feel as loved and special as you are. Yesterday was about you guys but we still have to have the family celebration. Lets do that soon! Love and huggs, Spanki

  2. Looking forward to it, Son.... and don't forget, we DO have a little wedding to finish planning, too! *grins* BTW, you and Miki also helped to make it wonderful, as well as all my other SL friends that just IM'd to say "HB!"

  3. It makes me so very happy that I was able to share your birthday with you (And, many more to come, Lord willing). I still marvel at how this ever came to be, and feel blessed every day that I get to share my life with someone so special. *hugs and kisses his big kitteh* Love you!
