Sunday, November 7, 2010

Did a little redecorating.....

   Not really much to blog about today, just wanted to post a pic of the Kitteh's Kastle now that I've completely redone the gardens, etc.  Boredom and frustration are best dealt with artistically, and I've had a bit of both recently.  RL has kept me from being on much when my closest friends are, so SL has been a bit lonely.  RL has also been a bit of a "astral sword swinging, screaming Ban-Sidh" lately, what with the massive job searching, Mom's health slipping a bit with the weather change, and my arthritis driving me nuts... lol.  I want my 85 degree weather back! At least I'm warm when the joints start throbbing, right?  Ha!
   Anyway, necessity is NOT the mother of invention/creation.  Boredom is.  I've been teaching myself how to make sculpts.  While not entirely successful yet...... like someone with OCD ever is, right, no matter how mild it's form?..... that actually is progressing fairly well.  I've made some simple stuff like columns, torches, and am working on some low prim simple furniture atm.  I have two inworld programs that I use... one that Franzi pointed me to, which is great for items that are made from basic prim shapes, and has a fully functional free-version on Marketplace, if you build in their sandbox, and one that is better for more "organic" shapes, based on a "disc editing" template.  I've also been trying to teach myself to use Blendr, but the UI on it is NOT user friendly for old farts that are not that technologically bent.  LOL!
   Anyway, here's the pic of the Kastle in it's new surroundings.... floating high above the main sim of Tidra.  Come visit!
*Yawns and heads for (more) coffee*

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