She offered to upgrade my current one, but since the positioning, etc. would be different, it would take a while. OK, no problems... I"m not SLexually active (yet) atm anyway, right?.... welll........ I had to log off for a bit. When I came back, she was afk..... for hours. LOL! Derren meanwhile logged on, and we were in IM, when Franzi IM'd me wanting me/us to come to the OOC dance at Tabor. Well, I didn't want to be away from Tizzy's sim, as I had all kinds of difficulties getting there in the first place, so I opted to tp Derren to me, where we ran through the poses (fully dressed! Give me some credit!) on the demo beds. These are simply amazing. 50 menus with over 520 poses! Wow!
Anyway, this was observed intently by a two day old noob. Poor fella. He tried to hard to get that three way menu, while Derren and I were giggling our asses off in IM. Finally, I decided to pop it up for him, just for the hell of it, but he ran off. However, Derren DID get one good shot. Heh.
Ok, so it's raunchy, but it was funny as hell!
Well, after about an hour, I pulled Tabor up on the map, and saw it fairly empty so guessed we'd missed the dance. All this while I had been IM'in Tizzy, but w/o response. Just as we were ready to jump to his or my place one, Spanki IM'd me about a nekkie beach party. Well, since I haven't talked to my kid in a while, and wanted him and Derren to meet, I asked, D agreed, and we went. That was fun, and went really well. After that was over, we tp'd to my place for a hot bath, and a long talk. That was the highlight of the evening, of course. Our "alone and yakking" times have brought us much closer.
Well, after his boy had logged off, Franzi had visitors "down below". Perhaps some of the best RP of his life. (NOT! LOL!) Needless to say, the IM's were fast and furious, with him wanting to join us in the tub, so I could drown him. Ha! When he finally tp'd up for nekkie nainai's, he offered Derren a bow to shoot him. Pffffft! We were laughing so hard. After he logged, Derren and I tp'd to his new place, said hi to the kittens, and said our nainai's. It's gonna be hard to find time together this week, as both our RL's are gonna be hectic, but where there's a will, there's a way, right?
All in all, it was one of the best SL days I've had in a long time. Oh, and btw, Tizzy had fallen asleep on the couch, RL, and finally got back to me. Can't wait to try that bed out sometime. Now... if I could just find someone else willing....... (Grins... I KNOW you'll read that! HAHAHAHA!)
Finally, the night ended just as peacefully as it had begun hectically. Gotta love days like that, eh?
"Lost in our own little world."
*Peace out*
You know who will read what? I don't know what you're talking about. :P Was a very nice evening. *smiles*