Sunday, November 7, 2010

For those that don't quite "get" us Scorpios.....

Found this on a Google search.  Love the yin-yang aspect of it.

This person's "work" here is spot on, and shows excellent insight into what makes us Scorp's "tick".   We are very complex, achieving heights of inspiration, and depths of despair, possibly more so than many of the other Signs.  There is rarely a "middle ground" for us, and while we see all aspects of a situation intuitively, many times, we also tend to look at things in a "black or white" manner.  Domineering, intense, frequently highly intelligent and empathetic, uncompromising, fiercely loyal, both to others and to our own "moral compass", we embody the entire gambit of human personalities within one spirit. 
     We are prone to extremes, both in our loves and our hatreds.  We would prefer to be alone and sexless unless we can get the same commitment back.  Few others can reach the depths of passion that a Scorp achieve and engender, both positive and negative. We are arrogant, and aloof, but mostly as a defense mechanism, because we "feel" on a very deep level.  If you think we are confusing and frustrating to YOU at times, try living that daily!  LOL!
  Oh, did I mention that we are the Sign that empowers the genitals?  *grins*  Just thought I'd throw that in there.  For anyone that doesn't quite "get" us, Blue Light Lady does an excellent job of exposing some of our inner workings.  She also does great work on the other Signs, as well.  I hope this explains what I lack the language to, not to mention the time to do the research and writing on!

*With typical Scorpionic Multiplicity*

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