Friday, November 12, 2010

I Can Haz Job Nau!!!!!

    Yes, finally, after 11 long months, I am going to be returning to work.  The hours, I think, will be horrible, as at the interview, one of the owners kept asking..."Now, you can work nights and weekends, right?".... like about 30 times in an hour.  That doesn't bode well for a "set schedule", like I put on my application.  Because of Mom's doctors' appointments, I really need a bit of schedule consistancy, for arranging those.  The pay is horrible.  I'll be making only about 20-25$ a week more than on my unemployment, but there will be state taxes coming out, on top of the federal and local, which drops the pay back actually below what I draw now.  I applied for a manager's job, and ended up with a supervisor's.  I am going to have to spend about 20$ a week driving back and forth.  I'm actually going to be bringing home less than I was by not working. I don't care, though!
    It's a self-respect issue for me.  I have my foot back in the door.  I am going to be a productive citizen again.  All these things mean so much to me, given my upbringing, and personal ethics.  I don't start this job for two weeks, and the unemployment lasts (for now) until the end of the month, anyway, so there is a bit of a cushion there.  There are still a few other leads to follow up on, and maybe something else will come up, that's more in the pay range that one hopes to find after 30 years in the same industry, but just knowing that there IS a safety net has taken a huge load off my mind.
   Now that some inworld tension has ended to the satisfaction of all parties -- three seperate threads of drama imposed by subterfuge... who needs THAT when RL is a mess, right? -- (I think everything is ok now -- you never REALLY know what another person is thinking, eh?) and perhaps RL is easing up slightly, I think that I'm just gonna relax, and make the most of the next two weeks, while still searching for that "dream job" of course. 
   It IS nice to know that there are people out there that are willing to listen to both sides.  The new bosses seem like lovely folks, and I do understand that new businesses have to watch every penny.  This might actually be the start of something really good, should they decide to branch out a bit.  We'll see!

*Rambling, but happy and soon to be employed again! Yay!!*
*Just a note on Tidra.... "Dead" gave a collar and cuffs to a soon to be new "Boi" to fit them last night... we've already rp'd his voluntary capture, and had planned his submission for last night, but I had a shot at some more cash work RL, and couldn't turn that down.  Hopefully today we can work on that story line some more.  Peace out!!!