Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Do not go quietly into that dark night......"

     I had an interesting discussion with a DJ friend of mine from SL on Facebook this morning..(He's a FAB, DJ, btw, great person, and good friend!)..... we were joking around about a song from the late seventies, and, of course, this led to some veiled "age jokes" between the two of us.... all in good fun.  I mentioned my age, and he said, after I commented that though of COURSE neither he nor I were born at the time that song came out, or at least were still in diapers, that I was actually 18 the year that it did, and so on..."LOL... I'll pretend I didn't read that... For me you're an eternal teenager ;-) (just like me ! lol)".
     This led me to thinkin'..... you know, in many ways, he's right.  I reminded him that my SL profile, under the 1st life tab, lists my REAL age (I have my reasons.... lost a damned good partner that way once... not because he disliked my age, but was afraid, after he found out, that, since we were attempting RL, somewhat, he'd "outlive me by many years, and that made him sad".  For those of you that go back THAT far with me, it was Gus, who doesn't come on SL anymore, though we still are in contact on yahoo, occasionally.), and also has a quote that being 48 makes me "settled, NOT old!".  Another friend of mine on Facebook commented that since 50 is the new 30, that means that on my next birthday, I'll be 29 again!  I like the way he thinks!  (He's a bit older than me, btw, the other friend.).
     Anywhooooo..... It is very true what he said.  In many ways, I AM the "eternal teenager", although, I actually prefer "early thirty something".  I refuse to get old.  I'm fighting it kicking and screaming all the way... I will die my hair, maintain my weight loss, keep getting physically as much healthier as I can, until the day I die...(I know, I know..I smoke, but that too is something that I'm working on.) 
     I live each day to its fullest, unless something has happened to make it a "doom and gloom" day... unfortunately, I've had more than usual of those lately, but that's easing up a bit, as the new medication is kicking in, and the dosage is finally right. (Bipolar, spring swing... coming out the other side, finally!).  Even those days, I live to the fullest.... I don't deny my "darker nature".... don't relish it, but it's also part of me, and I explore it fully, as well, in the hopes of understanding THAT, too.
    I have dated guys half my age, that can't keep up with me... I outdanced a 26 yr old last week, IRL, even with the arthritis in my feet..... I am not bragging... it's a mindset... you just don't "let yourself" get OLD!  There is a fine line between maturity, and aging.... I choose NOT to cross it... although I KNOW some of you will question the "maturity" aspect! *grins right along with you*
     Even as recently as last year, I was regretting "pushing fifty", looking at my life, my regrets, my failures..... I'd missed the successes, the joys, the wonders. Coming back to SL has reopened my eyes a bit, in the last year. Yes, I've had heartaches, mismatches, spats with friends..... but, I've also learned that there are GOOD people out there, and even though my RL is hell at times, I can always go "inworld".... get away from it all.  A major factor for me in keeping a youthful, (basically) optimistic outlook on life is... keep dreaming.  Having goals, and striving to reach them, is the adult part.  Keeping the "dreams alive" is the youthful aspect.  Too often I've lost those, as do many in the "midlife" years. 
     I guess my point is..... enjoy life!  It doesn't matter what you do, how old you are, sexual orientation, whatever.... take what it gives you, and make the biggest damned cake outta those ingredients, and just INDULGE yourself!  Don't even bother with a fork... just pick that bastard up, and chow down!


BTW, Tel is on a rampage, atm.... saddle up, bois, it's ridin' time... The "Butch Bitch" is back in town! (just a little personal RP I have going on with some friends.... lol!... plus, I'm enjoying the HELL out of the new look!  ROFL!  It's a different side of "Tel" that is having a blast atm!)

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