Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just funnin' around!

     My buddy Beelly and I have been clubbing, and just being idiots a lot lately.  He's a hoot to run around with, tall and handsome, and nice to have as a backup in a fight.  LOL!  No, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing romantic going on, it's just nice to have a "brother" to hang with inworld, who shares my sense of humor (which can be PREEEETTTTTYYYY far out there sometimes! ROFL!) 
     Anyway, we have been hanging at some of the seedier spots on SL, and acting like total idjits, while psychically comparing notes on our fellow avatars.  Don't you DARE shake your finger at me.... we all do it.  "OMG, Freenis!" or  "Holy Shit, Batman.... BLING!!!!".  Last night, I had gone to Club Industry (which anyone into Stomp, Noiz, Industrial or Goth music NEEDS to check out!) and was still wearing my "Butch Bitch" garb from a contest I'd been in at another club.  Ran into Beelly online early (for me, late for him) this morning, and this was the (photoshopped) result!  I recommend being a fool to everyone, sometimes.... it really is good for the soul!
Beelly Blanco and the Butch Bitch!
or "DAYUM! We look HAWT!  ROFL!"

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