Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tel's visit to RL!

     Tel came to visit me today, bringing prezzies!  He's proud of me for finishing about 90% of the house, and NOT decking the lazy contractor, who showed up yesterday, worked for 25 minutes, then left while I was out getting me some lunch.  He did NOT show up today again.  I guess another call to the insurance company that was stupid enough to pay him up front is in order.  I WANT MY PORCH DONE!
     Anyway, Tel and I had a nice time playing in my neck of the woods for a change.  Good conversation, a few laughs at some of his more outrageous antics, and a lovely stroll along the river bank.  I just wish he'd learn to be a little more civilized when he comes to visit, and keep his feet off the furniture!  LAWLZ!
Actually, my bad knee gave way on me while working in the yard this morning, and I've been stuck sitting with an ice pack on the GOOD one, on this glorious spring day.  Apparently, I've twisted it all to hell and back, because it's swelling, and I can barely walk on that leg.  Yay!

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